Mom Says NO to Kardashian Kids’ Clothes


Recently moms across the country were outraged with Breaking Bad toys in Toys ‘R Us. They petitioned the store to stop selling the figurines and Toys ‘R Us obliged. Another mom decided to hop on the outrage train and demand they stop carrying the Kardashian Kids’ clothes. Amie Logan started, and promptly closed, a petition on

Here is why she started the petition: “I don’t want my child to grow up to be a sex tape star. You pulled the Breaking Bad toys because they promoted drug use. You should pull this clothing line because it promotes bad behavior as well. The madness has to stop. If the toys are damaging so is the clothing.”

Let’s get this straight, if kids wear clothes with a Kardashian label they’ll grow up to be a “sex tape star?” Does she have a problem with the Kardashian image or the style of the clothes? She said that the story has gotten out of hand. “The original article seemed to leave out that this petition wasn’t a crusade, but a means to get people discussing who should be raising their children, and what things retailers have the right to sell.”

Parents are raising their children, not the Kardashians. Wearing a cute leather skirt isn’t going to turn a little girl into a “sex tape star.” Guess what, parents, if you don’t like something, don’t buy it. If you don’t want your kids to be influenced by something, don’t allow it in your home. You don’t have to start a petition or demand it be pulled frmo a major retailer, you are the parent and you are in charge.

She finished up by saying she wanted people to discuss “what things retailers have the right to sell.” Well, they have the right to sell pretty much whatever they want. You have the right not to buy it. This seems like a pretty simple concept.

Bottom line, if you don’t like it, don’t buy it. If you really think it is harmful to society, do what you have to do, but ultimately you are the parent and you control what comes into your house.