How I Lost 75 Pounds of Baby Weight


I gained 65lbs during my first pregnancy. I didn’t exercise and I ate the typical processed diet. I had nausea for the first 18 weeks and the only thing that made me feel better was carbs: specifically tater tots! After I had my son I walked and my diet gradually improved. I wanted to be healthier for him and I wanted to have another baby so I started making changes slowly then. I lost about 50lbs of the pregnancy weight that I’d put on by the time he was 18 months old. That’s when I got pregnant with my second baby.AmyLabor

During my second pregnancy I gained about 30lbs but the last few weeks added another 20lbs of water weight for a total gain of 50lbs. I was the same weight at her birth that I was for the birth of my son. After she was born I vowed to lose it all and then some. I healed quickly from her birth and started walking at 5 weeks postpartum.

By 7 weeks postpartum I started lightly jogging. I ran a 5K at 10 weeks postpartum in 32 minutes. It was tough but I did it. I was breastfeeding, so I made sure to nourish my body properly with healthy whole foods and I started logging my caloric intake on! Or join the gym or the YMCA and utilize their childcare.

  • If you are a working mom then use your lunch break to exercise or work out after work with your baby. Make it a priority.
  • Don’t give up after a bad day, week or month. There were weeks that I didn’t lose. There were weeks when I even gained. Overall, I averaged a pound per week loss. That is healthy and ideal.
  • Find a support group. Having other moms to work out with is priceless. Having a partner/husband to work out with is also priceless. Workout as a family. Make exercise your normal.
  • What goes in your mouth is more important that how many hours per week you log working out. Clean that diet up! Don’t drink your calories. If it’s in a bag or a box limit it and stay away from fast food and ordering pizza.
  • Make weekly meal plans. You are less likely to eat poorly when it’s already stocked and ready to go.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption. It’s empty calories and it slows down your metabolism.
  • There really are no secrets for weight loss. Nutrition and exercise are the two most important things you can do and they are two things that you can directly control. People ask me all the time “how did you do it?” and I always say “plain old diet and exercise.” You have to be honest with yourself and when things aren’t working you have to evaluate and adjust. It takes commitment and consistency but IT CAN BE DONE!