Note to Mom “We’re Tired of Hearing Your Baby Cry”


Can you imagine getting a note from a neighbor that says, “We’re tired of your crying baby!?” One mom, in Australia, said she was shocked to find such a note on her mailbox. There was no name on the note, but she felt she had to respond.

The note was short, but to the point, “You may be able to ignore your baby crying but we are tired of listening to him crying non-stop all day.” Trish LaForty said it upset her because no one likes to hear their child cry. She told The Sunshine Coast Daily, that she spoke with her immediate neighbors and they said they’d never heard her child cry.

Her only means of responding was through a community Facebook page. This is what she had to say:

“Like being a parent isn’t tough enough… You didn’t even have the guts to come knock on our door. Our baby doesn’t cry ‘all day’, he cries when he doesn’t want do go to sleep, when he’s getting his nappy changed and when I say ‘no’ because I refuse to let him be spoilt and run around like he owns the joint.”

What would you do if you received a note like this regarding your child?