Outdoor Adventures: Winter Nature Play


Welcome to part two of our series on nature play. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is committed to getting children outside and connected with the world around them. Research has shown that attitudes are formed early in life and build a foundation for the future. Let nature be the positive tool that shapes your child’s life.

Make your backyard a great place for your kids to connect with nature:

Even though it’s cold outside, use the weather as a way to explore snow, and as a fun way to exercise. Bundle your children up tight, and make sure they are always appropriately dressed for chilly temperatures. Remember that playing in the snow will not get your children sick – that is an old wives’ tale. And finally, bring water with you and keep everyone hydrated during winter outdoor play.

When your children are playing in the backyard, keep them interested in play by providing activities. Put snow in a bowl, and bring it inside to explore what happens to the snow. Try coloring the snow with washable spray paint or even make a snow cone with it. Encourage your child to use snow to build and provide tools to help with their snow construction.

Activities to do outside the home:

Sledding: A great activity to get your kids outside of the house during the colder months is to go sledding as a family. It will encourage them to exercise and enjoy nature, even though it is cold!

Bubble Time: Bubbles are always fun for summer months, but ice bubbles are even more fun for children. On a freezing day, let your children blow bubbles in the air and watch them turn into ice bubbles before your eyes – they look amazing.

Animal Tracking: You can also use cold weather to teach your children about animals in nature. After a new snowfall, investigate your yard or a nearby trail or empty field for animal tracks. Use them to learn about other animals that like to play in the snow, and teach children about animals that migrate or hibernate during the winter.

Programs at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo:
Another great way to connect your young ones with nature – check out our February Early Childhood programs at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo:

  • Early Explorers (3- to 5-year-olds) “Sweetheart Safari”
  • First Adventures with Nature-F.A.W.N. (18- to 36-month-olds) “Animal Sweethearts” and “Fabulous Frogs”

(For more information go to http://www.cmzoo.org/exploreLearn/families/)