Parents Get Tattoos to Match Their Daughter’s Birthmark


When UK mother Tanya Phillips went to the tattoo parlor on her 40th birthday, it wasn’t to get a butterfly or portrait to honor her daughter, it was to get one that matched the birthmark her daughter Honey-Rae was born with.  Her 18-month-old daughter was born with a red patchy birthmark that extends from her waist to her toes.

Tanya, and Honey-Rae’s father, Adam had considered getting matching tattoos for a while, but a recent outing finalized their decision.  Some people had stared and whispered about the young girl during a shopping a trip.  Tanya said it was the first time they had taken Honey-Rae out without covering her up, and it confirmed their worst fears.

Tanya told the UK Mirror “I was distraught. It was the first time I had taken her out without covering her up, and it confirmed all my worries and fears. People are cruel without even realizing,” she said. “We had talked about having duplicate tattoos done for a little while, but that day my mind was made up.”

Parents everywhere are praising Honey-Rae’s parents for showing her that her birthmark is special, unique and should be celebrated.  We think it’s pretty awesome too!


  1. I have a birthmark almost like that, only more extensive. It has never bothered me. Whenever people starred or asked me what that was, I just told them. I was never made to be ashamed of it. I am now 68 years old and even as a teenager I wore shorts or a swimsuit. I just figure that I’m going to live the way I want to and if someone doesn’t like it, that’s their problem. I’m not going to let others negative attitudes affect me.

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