Parents Make Millions By Making YouTube Videos of Their Kids’ Playing


If you are looking for a way to make some extra money, YouTube may just be your ticket to a fat savings account!

Many people have become rich these past few years just from making and posting videos to YouTube, and they aren’t particularly amazing either.

One California family gets 3 million hits a day on their channel and expects to make about $1.5 million this year.

Parents, Mark and Rhea, have three children who are the stars of their YouTube channel Hulyan Maya.  What kind of videos do they make that have made them so successful?  Their kids play with toys.  That’s it.

Last week, their channel was the 42nd most watched channel on YouTube, just behind the channel for NBC’s “The Voice.”

Mark shares some tips with Yahoo Parenting about what makes a YouTube channel successful: “Love of your family, love of what you do, hard work, and a little knowledge about film-making and video editing. Combine those together, and your channel will become successful. Well, a little luck will do the trick.”

I’ve watched some of their videos and personally don’t see what the huge appeal is, but to each’s own, and more power to them!