Polish Town Nixes Winnie The Pooh Mascot Over “Dubious Sexuality”


My childhood is filled with memories of Winnie The Pooh. I read the books, watched the movies, and even had a couple plush Winnie The Poohs in my bedroom. According to the small Polish town of Tuszyn (87 miles from Warsaw), the cartoon character should be no where near children.

Tuszyn’s city council was voting on a mascot for their new town playground when Winnie the Pooh was suggested. He was immediately shot down, and thanks to someone recording the conversation, which was then leaked to media, we know the precise reasons why.

According to NBC news here are some comments that were made within the meeting:

“The problem with that bear is it doesn’t have a complete wardrobe. It is half naked which is wholly inappropriate for children.”

“It doesn’t wear underpants because it doesn’t have a sex. It’s a hermaphrodite.”

“This is very disturbing but can you imagine! The author was over 60 and cut his [Pooh’s] testicles off with a razor blade because he had a problem with his identity.”

Can we all take a moment to collectively sigh in relief that we don’t live in Tuzsyn? I guess Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, and Garfield are out of the running too – they’re all technically naked as well! Good luck to this town. I hope they find a “well covered” fit who is secure with their cartoon sexuality…