Potty Training Tips From Real Moms


Potty training is usually a stressful time for moms, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it one hundred times, “No children graduate from high school wearing diapers.” Kids train at different ages and in different ways. Even within families, children make the transition from diapers to the bathroom in different ways. Here are a few tips on potty-training, from real moms.

Keep Time

Quite a few moms have suggested The Potty Watch. Kids wear a “big kid” watch that has an alarm programmed to go off every so often. The alarm reminds kids that it is time to use the bathroom. It helps keep them on schedule.

Cassandra says, “A time schedule is always helpful and positive praise when they go!! Helped me with my 3 older ones and working so far with my 3 & 2 yr olds.”

Start When They Are Ready

Kids aren’t always ready for potty-training at the same age.

Becky’s advice, “Don’t start too early! You will make yourself crazy and it will take longer in the end. You have to wait until your child is mature enough to know when he has to go and hold it til he gets there.”

Tracy shares, “Wait until they show the initiative to use it. Each child is different, and they will let you know when they are ready. Once they are, it takes hardly any time at all.”

Bribes Work

Many moms say they keep small toys or candies in the bathroom as rewards for their kids. Anne said she keeps a jar of M&M’s in the bathroom. When her daughter uses the toilet she gets two or three M&M’s. When she wipes herself she gets five or six M&M’s.

Lacey said, “We keep a sticker chart next to the toilet. My son gets a prize for every 5 stickers on his chart.”

It’s Not Scary

Some children have a fear of sitting on the toilet or pooping. Parents need to assure kids that it is necessary to use the bathroom and it isn’t getting rid of a part of themselves.

If you think your child is ready, you can start by reading one of these 14 Favorite Potty Training Books.

What are your tips for potty-training?