Pregnancy: Reality and Expectations


If you are pregnant for the first time or thinking about getting pregnant or forgot what pregnancy was like, check out this list. A pregnant mom decided to share her pregnancy story with Reddit readers. She wrote, “I thought I would LOOOOVE being pregnant, and how magical and wonderful and exciting it would be. And how the reality of it is that I am hating every second of it, and it is much, MUCH harder than I thought ever possible.” She goes on to explain she’s had hyperemesis, severe exhaustion and severe SPD.

Here are some things she shared, along with comments from others. Can you relate to any? What would you add to the list?

  • I had no idea I would love my bump so much. I was so excited to get a little bump going, whereas I thought I would get upset about becoming a whale. I also thought I would be a huge pregnant lady, and even though my bump (and baby) are very large, the rest of me has, if anything, gotten smaller (except boobs. But my boobs were ridiculously huge before anyway, so no huge change there)
  • I thought I would EAT ALL THE THINGS! ROOOOOOAR FEED ME FOR I AM GODZILLA ROOOOAR. I thought I would have massive cravings, but I’ve been pretty good. I go through stages where I will only eat a certain type of thing, like sour lollies, or strawberries, but thats more because the thought of any other food makes me feel ill.
  • I thought I would be an emotional wreck. I’m a wuss at the best of times, and already cried at cute puppy dog commercials or while watching some horror on the news, but I can count the number of times I’ve cried/raged on one hand, and it’s usually because I’ve been fed up with feeling so unwell (or because some A-hole at work poured coffee on my car, but that’s another story).
  • HEARTBURN!! I am surprised by how bad my heartburn has been! Everything causes it!
  • How weird feeling the baby move is. I thought it would be amazing, it’s more weird. (I still love it, just surprised)
  • I thought I was going to be all Gaia Earth Mother-y, floating through with glowing skin and hair, eating only the best and healthiest things for me and my baby, and just feeling a little nausea and tiredness as I grew a beautiful bump (after only gaining the prescribed 25 pounds)that would turn into a lovely little baby.
    Reality: I’m 40 pounds heavier, I subsist on Pop Tarts and cereal because I’m too tired to cook. I am in so much pain in my pelvis and back. I’m covered in stretch marks, my hair and skin is a mess. I have zero sex drive. I was sick from 4+1 to 10+1 and at almost 36 weeks, the nausea is back.