Real Moms Have Messy Houses


If you’re being completely honest, you’ve probably got a mess somewhere in your house, right now. I’ll admit that my closet is horrible, my oldest son’s room is all out of sorts, and I have at least three loads of laundry on a chair in my bedroom that need folding. Recently, a mommy blog shared “What Normal Looks Like.” Over 330,000 people shared this story on Facebook.

My question is why did it take someone posting this on social media for us (Moms) to be honest about our messes? I have girlfriends who know they can drop in, any time, but they know the house may not be 100%. With two boys and two dogs and a life, there are some things I continually put off. I agree with Elizabeth Broadbent, who wrote the normal blog post, on some things. Yes, if you have kids, you have clutter. Sure, laundry is never going to end.

However, I’m not the kind of person who could go to bed with a dirty kitchen. It’s not me. It takes half an hour, at most, to clean up after dinner. If you can go a few days without cleaning, good for you. I have my laundry mountain, you have the dirty kitchen. If you are not living in squalor then what’s the problem? There is a difference in messy and dirty. If you have bugs or the bathroom hasn’t been cleaned in months, you definitely need to get on that.

I think the bigger issue is why do we feel like we have to justify a messy house? We all have kids, we all have messes, we all understand. Seriously, moms, don’t feel bad about your messy house. It gets clean when it needs to be clean. I’d much rather have a friend over for coffee than fold a load of clothes, am I right or am I right?