School Wants Students to Throw Cans at Gunmen


Schools need safety plans, it is the age we live in. Most of these plans include locks and security officers. However, a school in Alabama is including canned goods into their plan.

You read that correctly, W.E. Burns Middle School is asking students to bring canned goods to school. The ALICE Training Institute worked with the school to develop response training in the event that an active shooter enters the school.

Students were sent home with a letter:

“We realize at first this may seem odd; however, it is a practice that would catch an intruder off-guard. The canned food item could stun the intruder or even knock him out until the police arrive. The canned food item will give the students a sense of empowerment to protect themselves and will make them feel secure in case an intruder enters the classroom.”

The school says the canned goods are only part of the program. The main idea is to evacuate the children safely The ALICE program wants to empower children even if they are barricaded in a room.

“Start gathering several items you can use to protect yourself. Every room has something you can use to distract and defend from the aggressors’ attack,” says the ALICE video’s narrator. “Communicate with others around you and tell them your plan. Don’t wait until the aggressor gets into your safe area to have a plan of action.”

You can check out the video below to see how throwing things is encouraged in the ALICE plan. (Forward to 15:15)