Seeing Ourselves Through Our Childrens’ Eyes


A group of moms were asked to do just one thing. To describe themselves as mothers. Their answers varied. Some wished they could be more patient, some said they wanted to be a better listener, one mom confessed to lacking confidence, and one expressed the desire to be more calm with her children. One thing they could all agree on was the things they were lacking in! They clearly focused on the negative characteristics about themselves and their desire to be better. They felt inadequate as mothers.

Do we all feel this way from time to time (if not every day)?

Motherhood is challenging. We have a huge responsibility on a daily basis, and we are bound to fall short from time to time. Do our children see in us the same imperfections we do?

A couple days after the moms had described themselves, they were asked to come back to watch a short video of their children describing them. What happened brought me tears. Their children willingly and without prompting shared beautiful and positive characteristics and attributes that their mothers had. They seemed to naturally be their mother’s biggest cheerleader, and they looked beyond any imperfections. It is a tender and sobering reminder of how much our children look up to us.

As mothers, we should always try to be the best we can be, but we also need to be gentle on ourselves! Most likely we are doing our very best.

If you need a pick me up today, this video is for you!

from Elevation Church on Vimeo.