Single Mothers Are Good For America!


We read that some in America think single mothers are bad for the country, but we disagree! America thrives because of single mothers. They are the backbone of our country and are raising our children. According to statistics, almost 80% of single mothers are full-time employees and 85% are custodial parents. Approximately 13.7 million single parents in the United States today, and those parents are responsible for raising 21.8 million children (approximately 26% of children under 21 in the U.S. today).

Benny Faye Douglas wrote “Single Mothers Are the Backbone of Today’s Families” and wrote about the truth of who single mothers are and how much they contribute to our society. She argues that men don’t have to worry about their children because, “Men know that the children will be taken care of one way or another, because the children have a mother that care about them.” We say, Way to go, Moms! Thank you for caring for your children and making sure they are loved.

One mother, who wrote a column entitled “Single Moms are a Lesson in Perseverance, Optimism All Parents Can Learn From” interviewed two single mothers about their life. She learned that they are just like her, a married mom. “They meet the challenges of each day with a determination and spirit that resembles the kind of confidence and happiness I strive for as a non-single-mother. Neither woman sought to be a single parent, but each has embraced her situation with positivity, strength and vigor that should be an inspiration to all parents.”

With so many positive perceptions of single mothers, why would anyone think single mothers are bad for America? What can we do to show those people that single mothers are just like they are?