Staying Sane When the Kids Are Sick


Sick kids can push any mom to the edge of her sanity. When your child is hurting or uncomfortable it is difficult to stay calm because you would do anything to make them feel better. Here are a few tips and tricks for getting through the sick days without losing your mind.

  • Cover up the yucky meds taste with chocolate chips. Let one or two chocolate chips melt on their tongue, give the meds, and it is usually just enough to get it down without them tasting it.
  • Dip a lollipop in the medicine, when the medicine is all taken they get to finish the lollipop.
  • Squirt the meds directly into the back of their mouth and follow up with orange juice. In our house if we do something quick and cover the offensive meds fast it ends well.
  • Use a marker to keep track of medicine doses you’ve given.
  • If your child is congested and stuffy try Vicks Vap-o-Rub on their feet and cover with socks. It works!
  • Add a couple of extra sheets to the bed in case of an accident.  Yes, it is OK to throw a towel over the mess and wait till morning to do a full clean.
  • Drink! Drink! Drink! Do whatever you can to get your kids to drink: water, juice, crushed ice with lemon, warm water with a bit of honey and lemon (this helps with a sore throat as well.
  • If they won’t or can’t eat a full meal, try small snacks: crackers, popsicles, fruits, cereal, oatmeal, soup.
  • A warm shower or bath always helps. Try adding a few drops of lavender to help make it a calming experience.
  • Marshmallows help with a sore throat.
  • Set up in front of the TV. Sick kids can leave you tired, but it is OK to set everyone up for a movie so you can catch a nap or take a shower. A day or two of Netflix binging won’t hurt. You can also download books to read on your tablet or try a new game to keep them busy.
What are your tips and tricks for helping a sick kid get better?