Target Was Selling A Black Barbie For Twice As Much As A White Barbie


Warren Johnson of Cincinnati was recently doing some online Christmas shopping for his daughter. She wanted a Barbie doll, and so they looked online at together. She noticed that the African American Barbie was selling for twice as much as the white Barbie. When she asked her dad why, he admitted he had no idea.


Johnson called three Targets to get to the bottom of it, and only one had an answer – that perhaps it was because the white Barbie was more popular. Being perplexed that there was no difference other than color, Johnson called Corporate Headquarters. According to Johnson,the Supervisor was speechless and apologetic. She offered him the doll for the same price as the white Barbie and said a change would be made.

You can now purchase either Barbie for a sale price of 20.99