Taylor Swift Photobombs Family Portrait Session At Nashville Park


Imagine you’re all dressed up getting your family portraits done at a local park, and your idol just happens to jog by! That’s exactly what happened to two young girls this past weekend in Nashville.

Photographer Sarah Bailey was snapping photos when her 9 year old client noticed Taylor Swift running by. She couldn’t speak she was so shocked. Taylor must have noticed the look on her face and waved hi, and then came over to tell the young girl how pretty she looked. She even took it a step further and asked if they could have their picture taken together.

She then surprised another young girl at the park who was also having family pictures done and posed with her as well.

Kudos to Taylor Swift for taking time out of her busy schedule to make these girls feel special. I am sure it will be something they will never ever forget!!

Click here for more cute pictures and the full story from WKRN news in Nashville.

image credits from Brooke Rainey Photography and Sarah Bailey Photography.