A pre-school teacher will be suspended for 10 days, without pay, after she hosed down a boy who messed his pants. The Pinellas County School said that the teacher used “low pressure water” to wash the little boy off. She put pants on the boy and then went to the classroom to put a new diaper on him.
The incident happened in October, but discipline for the teacher’s actions weren’t approved until December 6. According to WTSP.com, the school board said, “Wilson was in violation of several policies, including “failure to perform the duties of the position” and “inappropriate or disparaging remarks to or about students or exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement,” as well as others.”
We send our children to school to be cared for and educated. If this had happened to my son, he would have been completely embarrassed, even at the age of four-years-old.
What would you have done if this was your child? What do you think should happen to the teacher?