Teaching Our Children They Are Somebody


In times like these, we need to remember the kids.  Remember they are watching, they are listening, they are taking it all in. They see what is happening in the world around them.  Now, more than ever they need us to empower them with affirmations.

Affirmations are positive self talk that can increase self esteem. Positive affirmations can create positive emotions in kids.  They are a blank slate and will be filled with what the world tells them they are. How about we, the parents and teachers, tell them who they are.

Good affirmations start with someone telling them how important and special they are.  My son had a principal who told all of the children in her school just how special they are.  She used her L.I.S.T. This is what she told the kids:

L – You are loved. You are loved by me, by your teachers, your family, your friends.

I – You are important.

S – You are special. There is only one you and no one else can take your place.

T – Til the end of time.

You are loved, you are important, you are special, til the end of time.

Now that I’m a teacher, I will make sure all of my students know this list.

Once they know you, their parent, thinks they are special, help them with positive self talk.  An old school Sesame Street video has a short, but right on affirmation that every kid should hear and know and repeat often.  Check out the video below. This may be something you want to share with your kids.