The Pooface: Moms Know it, Dads Fear it


When you become a mother you learn about secrets that are commonly shared at baby showers or in parenting books. Putting a towel over the mess baby made at 3 am and waiting to clean it up until you’ve had at least a few hours of sleep. Maybe you are one of those who decided to just throw out the once rather than deal with the mess. Here is something all moms know and immediately recognize: the pooface.




You know the face the baby makes when they are ready to drop a major load. The stinker isn’t going to last much longer and you are about to change a diaper. Pampers recently released a commercial “Don’t fear the mess!” to say that their wipes can handle it. However, the stars of the show are babies with their pooface on, in slow-motion.  If you’re going through the age of the pooface now, I’m sending my condolences. If you’ve been through it, high five and we can laugh at these sweet babies and their relief.