The Year When Most Women Are The Most Unhappy In Their Marriage


Most of us are familiar with the theory of the “7 year itch”. It’s said that around the 7 year mark of marriage couples hit troubled waters and grow tired of one another. However, a study done by Brigham Young University actually says that the 10 year mark is more accurate.

More than two thousand women who were born between 1957 and 1964 were questioned about their 35 year+ marriages by BYU students. The interviews found that in two thirds of marriages happiness started in high levels and then steadily declined.

So, what exactly makes the 10 year mark so troublesome? Women say that it’s usually around this time that they are juggling the most kids, childcare, work and household duties. It is generally the busiest and most stressful time of a marriage.

The good news? Five years later, at the 15 year mark, when kids are a little older and more independent, wives claimed that their marriages once again reached a happier place, and they argued less with their spouse.

The best news is couples that stayed together for three decades became even more content. Researchers believe this is linked to their children having financial independence at this point.

So, there you have it! If you are feeling the itch, perhaps you just need to wait it out…apparently better days are ahead!

Are you feeling the itch, or are you happier than ever? We’d love to hear your opinions!