This Barbie Comes With Cellulite and Stretchmarks


We are all well aware of how unrealistic Barbie’s proportions are. Very few, if any women actually look like her, and the original doll creates skewed views of what a real woman should look like to young girls who play with her.

Designer, Nickolay Lamm is changing that. He has designed a realistic doll called “Lammily” who sports the proportions of an average 19 year old woman. She has curves and she is shorter. She looks like a more realistic version of a woman. The best news is, this doll is for sale online!

The “Lammily” doll maker has also included optional stickers that can be placed anywhere on the dolls body. These stickers include cellulite, stretchmarks, acne, bruises, grass stains, freckles, glasses, moles, scars and pretty much everything else that can happen to a woman’s body.

“All fashion dolls look the same! I wanted to give them a realistic makeover,” Lamm told BuzzFeed News. “I want to show that average is beautiful.”

Take a look below at how girls respond to this new doll. What are your thoughts? Win or fail?