This is a Plus-Sized Model?



As a society we are bombarded with images of the female form.  Some are scantily clad – in ads, store fronts, on TV, movies and perhaps even walking down the street.  The majority seems to dictate what is considered beautiful or desirable.  I for one, believe that “beauty” comes in all shapes and sizes. To each their own, right? One thing is for sure though, in the fashion world “thin is in.”  We often hear of models with eating disorders, ribs showing as they walk down the runway in fashion shows across the world.  It’s a sad reality.  Why are we doing this to ourselves?

When I look at the picture above, I see a healthy looking woman.  She has curves, she doesn’t look like she is starving, but she certainly looks like she takes care of herself.  So, how does it make you feel when this model is considered plus-size by fashion standards?  How does it make you feel when you find out she is a size 12?  The average American woman is a size 14. Why does the fashion industry insist that this is overweight, or undesirable, and why do they ignore that this IS reality?

As a model, Robyn Lawley (pictured above) is super excited for the opportunity to grace the cover of the popular Sports Illustrated magazine soon.  She tells TIME magazine, “I don’t know if I consider myself as a plus-size model or not. I just consider myself a model because I’m trying to help women in general accept their bodies.”  She is considered to be the “curviest” model ever to be on the magazine’s cover.

On one hand, it’s refreshing to see a size 12 woman on a popular magazine cover, on the other hand, we have a long way to go if this is considered “plus” size.  Stop the insanity!  As women, we are “size beautiful”, period.

What are your thoughts?