What Makes a Good Mom?


When you think of what makes up a good mom, what goes on your list? Do you think a good mom has certain ideals or are there some physical attributes in there also? Michele Zipp wrote up an article, 20 Qualities of a Good Mom, and laid out what she thinks defines a good mom. Check out her list and see if you agree. Click here to read her entire list.

  1. Always offering your love. Gives lots of hugs.
  2. Trying to see things from your kid’s point of view. Asking their opinion whenever it’s possible or appropriate.
  3. Patience. And then more patience on top of that.
  4. Setting boundaries, lest you end up with little monsters who walk all over you.
  5. Giving unconditional love.
  6. Having one on one time with each kid. If you have one child, making sure you have solo time with that child, too.
  7. Learning that discipline is a good thing — gentle non violent discipline. When you say no, mean it. That way, you’re not raising brats.
  8. When you bring a new life into the world, they should be your top priority, and know it. It’s a great way to raise up a strong, self-assured, confident person.
  9. Be their parent, not their friend, for the first 18 years or so. Then you’ll be their best friend for the rest of your lives when they hit about 20 and suddenly get what you did for them. It’s pretty awesome.
  10. Be willing to get peed, pooped, and vomited upon.
  11. Having a sense of humor.
  12. Balance.
  13. Making sure you always do the best you can, admit when you’re not, learn to do better, and follow through.
  14. Being able to survive harsh conditions. All kinds of harsh conditions.
  15. Relaxing a little.
  16. Not freaking out about doing things perfectly or according to what everyone else says.
  17. Getting some time away, so you can come back an even better parent.
  18. Thinking first before you yell or hit, or learn to live with regret.
  19. Baby-proofing really well so you don’t have to say ‘No’ all the time when they get into things they shouldn’t.
  20. Always letting your children know when they do a good job.

Do you agree with her list? Would you add anything to the list? What would you take off the list?