When Movie Quotes Nail Parenthood


Sometimes quotes have a way of lighting up that little mommy light in our head and we say “Bingo! They know exactly how I feel!” Some movie quotes over the years have actually done that for me.  I am a huge movie buff and it’s fun to sit down and relax, watch a movie, and relate to some these characters and their feelings on parenthood! Here are some fun ones we’ve come across, and I am willing to bet you can relate to them too!





“How can something so small create so much of something so disgusting?” – Three Men and a Baby (1987)





“I think being a good father is keeping the mother happy so she doesn’t drive the kids crazy.” – Look Who’s Talking (1989)




SARABI: “Your son is awake”

MUFASA: “Before sunrise, he’s your son.”

-The Lion King (1994)





“I love being the mother of a 2-year-old.  It’s like being a movie star in a world without critics!” – I Don’t Know How She Does It (2011)






“Having somebody help you doesn’t mean that you fail, it just means that you’re not in it alone” – Life As We Know It (2010)





“Everybody – just pretend to be normal!” – Little Miss Sunshine (2006)




Do you have any favorite movie quotes about parenting?  We’d love to hear them! 

all images via Youtube