Why April Fool’s Fake Pregnancy Jokes Aren’t Funny


April Fool’s Day is upon us, and like anyone else I love a good joke! In years past, I have personally planned out and schemed some very well thought out pranks on my family and friends… which brought lots of laughs and left us with good memories!  It can be a super fun day for everyone. However, there is one prank in particular that trends on social media each year, and I wish (oh, how I wish) that it would disappear…




I’m talking about the “fake” pregnancy prank.  Typically it’s accompanied by a pregnancy announcement, or picture of a positive pregnancy test, or the announcement that someone is expecting twins or triplets! Joy! Everyone comments how excited they are, and how wonderful it is, and then…the joke’s on them.  There is no pregnancy.  It’s a “joke”.  Now, please don’t get me wrong. Many of my friends that have participated in these pranks are well meaning, and the very best of the best people on this earth! They mean no harm, and I place no judgement. Personally, I’m not easily offended, nor do I consider myself overly “politically correct”, but I can promise you that many people out there are hurt by these pranks. They sting, and they can bring back very painful memories.  It’s something we need to be made more aware of and be more sensitive to…

And here’s why.

1 in 4 pregnancies end in a loss.  Many of these losses are not made public.  Many women suffer in silence. Many of your friends have probably suffered a loss that you aren’t aware of because not everyone is comfortable sharing these very painful and personal experiences.  There are also those who struggle with infertility, and month after month hold their breath for just the chance of a positive pregnancy test.  You can imagine their feelings of heartache when something so sacred and meaningful to them is made into a “joke” on social media.  And yet it still happens year after year.  We can do better.  My hope is that we will do better.

There are so many fun and harmless pranks we can participate in on April Fool’s Day, but please let’s be aware of those with tender hearts and tender feelings when it comes to the topic of pregnancy.  It’s not a joke. It is a miracle and a blessing, and one that should be honored, especially on behalf of those who suffer in silence.

Please share, so others can be reminded to be sensitive this April Fool’s Day.