Woman Who Thought She Was 12 Weeks Along Gives Birth to Full Term Baby in Shower


We’ve all heard stories of mothers giving birth and not even knowing they were pregnant. (Although I still don’t how that is possible!) This story is a little different.  Brittany Young thought she was only 12 weeks along with her fourth child when she took a shower to relieve some stomach cramping.  Her stomach pains turned in to a strong urge to push, and she gave birth to a full term baby girl that she named Miracle.

“This baby’s eyes were open; she was just sitting there staring at me. She didn’t cry or anything. I was in shock. I was like, there’s a baby here,” Young told the Des Moines Register.

How was it possible that Young didn’t know she was so far along?  The Des Moines Register reports that she was new to the area, likely escaping an abusive relationship.  While being treated at the hospital for a broken nose, Young was told she was pregnant and had 12 weeks left in her pregnancy.  She was apparently confused, and thought they had said she was only 12 week along.

Young has three other children ranging in ages from 1-4 years, and says they are excited for the “early” arrival of their new sister.