Your Mother in Law Said What?


Mother in laws, love ’em or hate ’em, they have a way with words. Even the nicest ones sometimes say things you might not understand. Reddit users were asked to share what their Mother in Law has said. One thing, though, “Please don’t comment “I LOVE MY MIL SHE’S AMAZING!” bc I don’t care and neither does anyone else.”

Here are some things mothers in law said that didn’t go over too well.

1. “She posted a work out video on Facebook, tagged me and her daughter in it, and wrote ‘now you have no excuse’ under it.”

2. “My MIL told me, ‘I know you are waiting for children, but you’re getting so old.’ I’m not even 35.”

3. “My ex mother-in-law called me by her other sons’ ex-wife’s name for the first three years I was married to her younger son.”

4. I said the word “lesbian” during a conversation in front of my (now-ex) MIL and my then 2 yr old daughter. MIL flipped out and yelled that I’d make my kid gay if I said that word in front of her too many times.

5. My MIL did something very similar the first time I met her, when my husband and I were still dating. We came to visit her and were sitting in her dining room. We had been there about 5 minutes:
Husband: I can’t remember the last time I was here in August…
MIL: Oh I can! You brought Michelle here. How is Michelle? I miss her. She’s so… (looking right at me) …pretty. Do you keep in touch? Tell her I say hello and I miss her so.
Me: ………..

Do you have any outright rude or crazy things that your mother in law has said to you?