1 in 12 Moms Admit to Giving Kids Meds for “Peace & Quiet”


MSNBC TODAY Moms and Parenting.com conducted a poll of more than 26,000 mothers to find out how real moms are parenting. The poll was done anonymously in order to get truthful answers. One of the most surprising answers was that one in 12 moms said they regularly give their kids sleep-inducing medication, like Benedryl, to get some peace and quiet on a normal night. Some of the anonymous moms said:

“I give my younger daughter Benadryl and Tylenol almost every night – she loves the taste and begs for it.”

“I gave my child Benadryl to go to sleep – years later now, I am still embarrassed to admit it.”

“I gave my child Benadryl when he was mildly congested to guarantee he would fall asleep on time so I could get to bed at a decent hour.”

Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC’s chief medical editor, said if parents are resorting to medicating their kids every day, there is an obvious parenting problem. Parents need to learn how to calm their children and teach them good habits. Click here to see the poll conducted to find secrets of real moms.

Have you given your children medicines just to get a moment of peace and quiet? Are there any times these meds are OK to give kids, other than when they are really sick?