3-Year-Old Dresses as Movie Hooker for Pageant


I’ve never watched Toddlers & Tiaras, but I’ve heard things that make my skin crawl. The latest insanity to come out of that show is beyond belief. A mother dressed her 3-year-old daughter as a prostitute, more specifically as the character played by Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman.” Another mom says it is this kind of costume that gives them a bad rap. The judges giggled and seemed to think she was cute.

This type of behavior makes me wonder where these girls will be when they are tweens and teens. When they have body issues will they blame their Moms? Maybe the Moms are living vicariously through their toddlers. Instead of spending all that money on costumes and makeup maybe they could spend it on education or sports, something to help these girls be strong and confident. Why not get them into an activity where they don’t have to dress up in inappropriate costumes and when they lose it isn’t because someone prettier or cuter or with a better costume beat them.

Wendy Dickey is the mom of the little girl dressed as a hooker. She gave her defense to TMZ, saying her daughter had no idea what she was dressed up as anyway and it was “less revealing than a gymnastics suit or swimsuit.” She added, “I’m raising my child just as well as any mother does … I take my kid to church every week … at least I’m not forcing them into sports and getting my child injured like some parents. People need to look at their own family and what they’re doing. I don’t know why people are focusing so much on pageant moms when there’s much more harmful things people are letting their children do!”

Check out this video and let us know what you think. Should there be some type of limits set on these moms?