5 Things To Do on Black Friday Without Leaving Your House


You could wake up at an obscenely early time to save $25 on a 79 inch television. You could get into a fist fight over the last “Super Awesome Toy of the Year” (your kid is going to forget about in 3 weeks). You could be part of the herd, busting down the doors of a big retailer just to save a few bucks.

Or you could reevaluate what the holidays are all about. Wouldn’t it be better for you and your family to spend time together? If you have the day off work, wouldn’t you rather cozy in for the day with family and friends? Here are five alternatives that may make your holiday a bit less stressful.

  1. Movie or TV Marathon – Finish up those leftovers or order in your favorite takeout. Pick out a few movies or a TV show and binge watch away. Maybe you can check out holiday movies or super hero movies. Mix things up with a board game or two.
  2. Do Something from you Pinterest Page – You know all those awesome crafts or DIY things you’ve pinned over the last few months, why not pick a few to complete? This is the day to make gifts or spruce up your house for the holidays.
  3. Shop online! – Instead of throwing money at big retailers, try shopping Etsy. You can support small artisans and you may find one in your area.
  4. Invite Family and Friends Over – Consider it an afterparty. Tell everybody to dress in comfy clothes, bring their leftovers, and a favorite board game. Maybe you could have a marshmallow roast or a friendly football game.
  5. Rest – Just rest! Don’t do anything, don’t plan anything, don’t do more than you have to. Let the kids have cereal and leftovers. Let them watch cartoons and play video games. Consider it a free day. No pressure, just chill out and rest.
Hey, maybe you enjoy fighting the crowds, but in case you are up for a change, try one of these ideas. If you have any to add to the list, let us know.