9/11 Coloring Book: Right or Wrong?


“We Shall Never Forget 9/11: The Kids’ Book of Freedom” is a coloring book, for kids, that has pictures of various events from September 11, 2001. It also has pages that show a man with a machine gun ready to take down Osama bin Laden. The publisher, Really Big Coloring Books, Inc., calls it a “graphic novel” and rates it PG. They have said that children under 10 should probably go through it with a parent or responsible adult.

The press release from Wayne Bell, the head of Really Big Coloring books says: The book was created with honesty, reverence, integrity and good character. It is about teaching children what happened that day in a truthful way. “It’s a generic black-and-white coloring book with tender language for the children and their parents,” Bell said. “It’s designed as a teaching and learning tool, and it’s a memorial tribute to the families of 9/11.”

Many Muslim leaders feel like the book is anti-Muslim and is grouping all Arab people together with extremists. Amina Sharif, communications director for the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, says,”It’s hateful, inflammatory and completely inappropriate for children or anyone for that matter.”

Others are defending the publisher and saying the book is simply telling the truth about what happened. Check out the pictures below and let us know what you think.