Couple Chooses “Free Range Parenting” and is Found Guilty of Child Neglect


Those of us who are loving parents try our best to raise our children right. Maryland parents Danielle and Alexander Meitiv are no different,  although their parenting “style” is now having drastic repercussions on their family.

This past December, they had allowed their 10 and 6-year-old children to walk alone to and from a park about a mile from their home.  Strangers had noticed the children walking down a busy street and alerted police, who then picked up the children and took them home.

The parents were then investigated by Montgomery County Child Protective Services, and just recently found guilty of “unsubstantiated” child neglect charges.  Alexander and Danielle are horrified.  This means their case will remain open for the next 5 years with regular visits and monitoring by CPS.

Danielle told the Washington Post “I was kind of horrified. You try as a parent to do what’s right. Parents try so hard. Even though I know they are wrong, it’s a painful judgment.”

Their story has drawn mixed reactions from parents.  Some parents feel this type of “free range” parenting fosters independence and critical thinking skills in children.  Others say it is unsafe to allow young children to be out and about unsupervised.

What is your take? When do you feel is an appropriate age to let your children roam the neighborhood by themselves?



  1. As a parent…you guide your child(ren) to make sound decisions and prepare them for adulthood, to be independent and responsible to where a child/or a person they become with good parenting guidance will be a good contribution to society not a burden! Who’s to say a 10 and 6 years old are not responsible to walk alone to go to a park? Does anybody know these children and their parents? Letting these children walk in the park is a decision that these family took a risk off!! Maybe to teach the child(ren) independency and good judgment…However, I would think a responsible parents know each of their children maturity level and hopefully prior to letting them do a tasks in this case walking to a park to play..would already have been discussed between the family and a trial and error have already been played! Now, I see a concern if the kids does it everyday and are pretty much spending their wee hours in the park…which lead me to be concern that there is no supervision around the home! Most countries..children walk to school, riding public transportation only here in United States that we feel something must be wrong if child(ren) are walking alone…and this isn’t only apply to children…our culture/society have trained us that if someone is walking alone whether it be a child or an adult…there must be something wrong!! If we are truly a concern citizen..then talk the kids…asks where their parents..if you’re not satisfied with the children response or you still have this weary feeling something is wrong then.. then observe…watch the kids even for a far until this kids get home safely!! or asks where is the parents and if these children lives in the same neighborhood, go to the home and knock and let your concern be known to the parent(s)!!!

  2. I think as parents we weigh the pros and cons of each situation and make the best judgment possible. There are a lot of factors that play into that decision. That being said, I do think 6 and 10 is a bit young. There are laws in place for ages deemed appropriate for being left home alone…..

  3. I think there is over parenting these days. Kids don’t know how to do anything on their own. I had free range parenting growing up. I knew right from wrong and survived. I know several people around my age (46) who had free range parenting and non of us regret it. I am not scared to do things on my own. I know so many young adults who were over parented and can’t even do a load of laundry on their own. Or know how to mow a lawn.
    I think there is a difference between the neglect and abuse of a child and trying to teach them to be their own person. Give me a break. Our system forces us to be this way now too. They should be looking at the true abuse cases out there not a walk to the park.

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