French Girl Told Her Skirt is Too Long to Attend Class


Well, this is a new one.  Typically schools have dress codes to enforce modesty, but one school in France is saying covering up “too much” is a no-go.







One 15-year-old Muslim student was kept from class twice this month because the head teacher decided that her long skirt was “too religious” according to France’s secularity laws.

This law from 2004, governs secularity in schools. Any type of veil, head wrappings, the Jewish kippa or large Christian crosses are all banned in educational establishments, although “discreet religious signs” are allowed.  What exactly does discreet mean then?  She was wearing a skirt!

She removes her head scarf each day before attending class, but the skirt was considered a “provocation.”

Kenneth Roth, a U.S. attorney who is the executive director of Human Rights Watch, tweeted that the call was “carrying secularism too far.”

Social media has jumped on the bandwagon with fierce retribution.  Twitter is abuzz with the now trending hashtag # which translates to English as “I wear my skirt as I please.”

What are your thoughts?