Student Outraged Over Graduation Dress Code Letter


Like most graduating High School Seniors, 18-year-old Briana Burtop from Pennsylvania was excited for graduation this past week, but was shocked at the memo that was handed out to students regarding dress code for the event.

Burtop was so offended by the letter that she shared it to her Facebook to bring attention to the wording, and what she felt were sexist and inappropriate phrases.

The men’s dress code section was fairly brief and to the point, however the “ladies” section of the dress code letter, which was distributed to Biglerville’s senior class, advises young women to “keep ‘the girls’ covered,” select an outfit that doesn’t highlight their “sausage rolls” and adds that “as you get dressed, remember that you can’t put 10 pounds of mud in a five-pound sack.”

dress code


“I didn’t know it was okay to insult your female students,” she wrote on Facebook. “Weight shouldn’t be used for comedic relief.”

The school district posted a publicĀ press release on its website, explaining the letter’s questionable content: “The document was drafted years ago, and the author of the original document has since retired.”

School Administration also said it regrets the “unfortunate word choices,” and that the “document does not reflect the high standards of the Upper Adams School District, and the Administration will take appropriate action to address the issue.”

Burtop’s mother was prepared to sue for sexual harrassment, however Burtop claims all she wants is a formal apology and for the questionable wording to removed from the memo.