Real Back-to-School Advice from a Real Mom (At least I like to think I Am)


By now you’ve probably sent the kids off to school and are just trying to get through the initial transition from the summer schedule to school schedule.  As a real mom, I’m here to tell you nothing ever goes as planned. If you were able to keep with all your back-to-school goals, I applaud you and I would LOVE and appreciate your advice.  (Seriously, please send me a message or post a response to this blog. I NEED help.)



  • Every year I say we’re going to start transitioning a few weeks before school starts. We don’t, we actually took a vacation the ended three days before school started.


  • I say I’m going to pack healthy lunches they will actually eat. I tried, they still didn’t eat it and four days into the new school year I’m back to Little Debbie cakes and cheese sandwiches. My expectations were high and then they came home with a squashed sandwich, all their carrots, and told me they were starving. They like it, they’ll eat it, and it really is easy. I do make lunches the night before so that helps cut down on the morning rush.


  • We are going to stay on a schedule for bedtimes, even on the weekends. This went down the drain the very first weekend because we bought an original Nintendo gaming system and the boys just had to beat Metroid. Actually, their dad had to beat it and they were just going to die if they didn’t get to watch. Cue up a late night bedtime for Friday and Saturday and my middle schooler sleeping in until 11:00 both days that weekend.
more important than a bed time
So much more important than a bedtime, right?
  • Here’s one I actually did well with. We pick out our clothes the night before and make sure the school bags are packed and ready to go. This is super easy and makes a big impact when we’re trying to get out the door to the bus at 6:40. Yes, 6:40 in the morning. I detest early start times for school.


  • I didn’t get a first day picture of my middle schooler, mostly because the bus came before we were out there, we were running crazy trying to get him to school on time, and he hates having his picture taken. I’m going to do a “One week into school” photo.  My elementary school boy was excited to get a picture, but by day three he was done with all things school
School stinks, I hate the bus, why do I have to get up so early. All actual things he said while waiting for the bus.
School stinks, I hate the bus, why do I have to get up so early. All actual things he said while waiting for the bus.

The bottom line is that things don’t always go as planned, school days can be rough, and even when we, as moms, have the best intentions, something can trip us up. This first week of school has taught me to reevaluate, make realistic goals, and be flexible.  I’m only human, my kids are doing just fine, and sometimes they just need a little loving over a bento box lunch that looks like Pokemon.

PS This morning I was grocery shopping at 8:30 and saw this. It was a sign that everything is going to be OK and if not there is always someone out there with a grocery cart full of wine.

To celebrate my children getting to school for an entire week. Truthfully, I only need one of those. A whole cart would kill me, but I might be willing to try. Ask me after our fourth snow day in a few months.
To celebrate my children getting to school for an entire week. Truthfully, I only need one of those. A whole cart would kill me, but I might be willing to try. Ask me after our fourth snow day in a few months.