Week 1: Just Get Through It


That’s it – my goal was really just to get through the first week of workouts. And I did…Pilates and yoga each once. YES! I WIN!

After the first workout, I could feel muscles that seemingly haven’t been used but I wasn’t sore to the point of discomfort. In fact, it was easier to remember to pull my abs in while walking around or doing household chores because they were just sore enough. It helped!

I did a Pilates DVD called “Slim & Tone Pilates” for 30 minutes. This DVD is one of my favorites because the instructor goes through the exercises quickly so there’s no downtime. I get bored and want to move to the next without having to wait for instruction. She talks through each exercise explaining it, giving cues to push my shoulders down, abs in, head up, etc. These are helpful especially when I was holding my breath to finish!

The second workout for the week was Yogalosophy with Mandy Ingber. You may have heard that she’s Jennifer Anniston’s yoga instructor and let me say – she is amazing! I downloaded Yogalosophy onto my iPad a few years ago so it’s easy to do it anywhere. There are different packages: sun salutes, stretching, the main workout, stretch and balance so I can pick and choose which ones I want to do. This time I did sun salutes and the main workout. Whoah. I wobbled and lost balance A LOT but made it through.

For each workout, modifications were easy to adjust to and I’m reminded that I will get better the more I do each workout. Each weeble and wobble means my muscles are working hard. It’s also important to be aware that my ligaments are still a little soft due to the hormones released during pregnancy. If I work too hard too fast, it’s easy to get injured. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

So not only did I get through the workouts, they felt GOOD. My mind was more at ease, my body was tired and more relaxed and I felt GOOD about myself. Though the reflection may not be any different in the mirror, the posture of my body and mind are looking better and better.

A mother of two and a Colorado Native, she grew up in suburbia Denver and met her husband in college at Regis University. They were best friends for years before he kissed her and well…as they say, the rest is history. He joined the Army after they graduated in 2002, so they moved several times and just came back from living overseas. Being gone for over 10 years, Colorado is still their home and they feel so good to be back!

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