Stone Soup


I have a friend that can make amazing dishes with what seems like the simplest ingredients. Always fresh and whole foods with tastes that explode in mouth watering decadence on your tongue. Yes. THAT good.

I have known a few people like her in my life and have always been slightly envious of this skill. It actually seems more like a natural born ability than something acquired, but I’m still hopeful. My husband has it, I do not. So as I am the one who prepares most of the meals in the home, I rely on recipes. I like recipes and I have learned a few tricks in my time, so I can adapt and change what needs to be changed to suit what I have in my cupboards (or what I do not have, if that be the case.)

I always strive to use whole ingredients in their purest form when I cook. Which means that I have to count on herbs, spices, and the natural goodness of the fresh foods I’m using for flavoring. I know many food purests would say the simpler tasting the better, but I’m a southern girl; I like a rich full flavor in my food. I’m learning and I’m getting better, but I’m still not able to just “throw together” something that makes your taste buds shout anthems from The Sound of Music.

One day I’ll get there. Maybe I wasn’t born with it, but as with anything you want badly enough: Practice makes perfect!