Moms Need to Be More Like Dads and Just Not Care


Apparently, Moms care way too much and they need to be more like dads. Kyle Smith, over at the New York Post, says dads don’t give a s**t and moms need to be more like them. Now before you get upset, let me explain. Most of the Dads I know are super involved and caring. The difference is, they aren’t looking for paper straws for the next birthday party and they really don’t have a problem with parking the kids in front of the TV for dinner.

As Smith stated in his article, moms are trying to live up to an ideal that has been created for them on Pinterest and by Gwyneth Paltrow. Moms are way too stressed and it is induced by the little things that don’t really matter. In the long run, who cares if fellow moms judge you for bringing a store-bought cake? The kids are going to remember if you used paper or plastic straws.

In that sense, moms should try to chill a little bit and not lose sleep over the little things. However, if dads really don’t care, nothing would get done, right? If we have too many people running around not giving a s**t, nothing would ever get done.

Personally, my kids’ dad would eat the same food for dinner, breakfast, and lunch until it is all gone. I know that the kids can’t eat the same thing for two or three days in a row. It’s not that I’m stressed about it, I just know they need a balanced diet, so I’m going to try to give them a healthy mix of foods. Dad may not give a s**t about what clothes the kids are wearing to school, but they probably shouldn’t wear sweat pants with holes in them three days in a row, especially on picture day.

There is a healthy balance between two partners. If most dads don’t care and most moms care too much, there is probably a good mix. Moms, try taking it down a notch, don’t stress over things that only matter to other moms. Dads, try caring just a little bit more. Kids, just know that your parents are really trying and want to do the best for you.