A Tour at Dion’s Pizza!


I loved our tour of . Or check out their menu and hours here. If you have any scheduling questions, give them a call. I called lots with changing numbers and questions and she was always super nice and helpful

Location: 6385 Source Center Point 80923
Hours: All tours start at 9:30 Monday-Friday
Cost: $4/child and up to 4 adults at $4 each (includes shirt, pizza, drink, workbook, stickers, tour).
Total Tour Time: 1 hour (a little less if you have a smaller group)
Rating: 5/5

I’m Camille, a mom of 5 great kiddos. I love creating fun, educational outings for my kids and sharing them with you! Make sure to check out my blog and like my Facebook page!

<em><strong>Click here to read more articles by Camille!</strong></em>

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