Barber Publicly Shames Kids With Old-Man Haircut


Father of 3, Russell Frederick, is co-owner of A-1 Kutz outside of Atlanta.  He recently told the Washington Post that he gave his 12-year-old son a “special” haircut last fall when his grades fell.  He shaved his head to look like an old man. After having to sport the new look, apparently the boy’s grades quickly skyrocketed.

Frederick decided to offer this special cut to parents as a punishment for bad behavior.  He calls it the “Benjamin Button” special since it makes little kids look like old men. Only one mother has taken him up on the offer.  The single mom brought her 10-year-old son in after acting up at school.

“There are a few people that are saying it’s emotional abuse,” Frederick told the Washington Post. “But on average, everyone is applauding the mother that brought the child in — and applauding me as well.”

Some experts and child psychologists are claiming this is public shaming, and is a slippery slope of discipline.  They say kids begin to make decisions based on fear rather than what is wrong or right.

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