Boredom Busters for Days When You’re Stuck Indoors


We all have those days when we’re stuck inside. It’s too rainy or snowy to go outside, but kids still want to play! Here are some ways to keep busy and have a little fun with the kids. Do you have any boredom busters to add to the list?

Ballon Ping Pong

Attach a paper plate to a paint stirrer or oversized popsicle stick. Use a ballon as the ping pong and play! You can just keep the ballon up in the air or set up a row of chairs to bop it over.

Make a Collage, Card or Sign

Use a Zip-Loc bag to hold all the things your kid needs to make a collage, card or sign. You can give them old magazines to cut pictures out to add to their collage. You could give them a theme. Here’s what we put in our bag: scissors, a glue stick, glitter glue, die-cut shapes, construction paper, various borders, blank notecards. You can have these bags prepared and pull them out on a rainy day.

Table-top Catapult

What you need:

Block of wood
Paint (optional)
Hot glue
Jumbo craft stick (We didn’t have this so we used a short piece of wood.)
Plastic or metal bottle cap


Use the block of wood as a base. You or your kid can paint it if you want to.
Hot-glue a clothespin to the block, and a jumbo craft stick to the clothespin.
Then glue the bottle cap near the end of the craft stick or piece of wood. Make sure to leave a kind of lip to use as a release lever.

We used a glue gun to attach google eyes to fuzzy craft balls. Those balls were our “angry birds” and we launched them at legos and other targets.