Dad Calls Out Daughter’s Racist Bullies on YouTube


Eleven years ago Minnesota dad, Brad Knudson and his wife adopted their African American daughter. He recently did what any loving father would do when she was bullied via social media, he confronted the bullies.

His teenage daughter was hanging out on New Years Eve with a friend at their home, when she began receiving “snapchats” from twins that attended the same high school as her. Hardly knowing her, they called her racial slurs and degrading names. After the fourth snapchat, she alerted her father who began video taping live as it was happening.

After many failed attempts to reach the bullies by phone or by stopping by their home, he contacted the police. The police brought in the bullies and the parents to the school where they tried to sort things out. Unfortunately, the bullies father turned out to be just as racist. He showed no remorse, and in fact, taunted Brad Knudson via phone messages. Apparently the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

Knudson decided to take the incident to social media and made this YouTube video shedding light on the story. The video below shows the entire conversation, but warning: the language is explicit. It’s Knudson’s comment at the end that every parent needs to hear. He says, “I just had to get this off my chest; I just don’t know what to do, other than say I love my daughter and I don’t want her committing suicide because of this.”

Watch the YouTube video below to see how the story unfolds. It’s hard to believe we live in a world where this even happens anymore. What are your thoughts?