DIY Halloween Costumes for Moms


Do you dress up for Halloween? Moms are usually the last ones to find a costume, but we have some great ideas for Halloween Costumes that are a perfect fit for moms. Check out our ideas and share yours! What are you going to be this Halloween? We’d love to see pictures!






Mary Poppins – Black boots, black skirt, white shirt, bow tie, umbrella, and hat


“The Birds” – Find a pencil skirt and blazer suit, cover it with black birds, and add signs of the attack birds.



Working Witch – This is a simple witch costume


Tooth Fairy – All you really need to do is add a tutu and a “tooth wand” to any outfit. You could add a tooth to the front of a t-shirt or a pair of wings to the back. You can dress your partner or a friend up like a tooth for a little extra.



Where’s Waldo or Wanda? This is a simple costume, the only really difficult part is finding the stripped shirt.  For that extra something carry the Where’s Waldo book.
