Do You Spend Time Worrying About How Your Spend Your Time?


Do you go full speed all day long? Do you feel burnt out at the end of the day? Do you always feel like you forgot something? How are you spending your time? If you feel tired and overworked, you may need to reevaluate how you are spending your time. Recently, I decided to take my time back and get it under control.

I was spending too much time working or cleaning, everything except for spending quality time with my family. My husband noticed it and asked what I was getting out of all I was giving. He made sense. I wasn’t getting paid to work all hours of the day and night, seven days a week. If I skipped laundry one day to spend time playing a game with my kids, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I learned how to take back my life and my time.

Here are some ways to reevaluate how you are spending your time.

  • Take a break. Schedule yourself in. If you don’t have an open spot, make one. Sit back and have a cup of coffee or get a manicure. Take a little time and set your priorities.
  • Don’t eat on the go. Take time to sit down and eat a real meal. Even if it is just half an hour, taking a break to eat a meal is a good thing.
  • Reconnect with friends. This doesn’t mean posting on their Facebook wall or sending a text message. Try planning a lunch with them or an hour after work having drinks. Spend a little time building up your friendship.
  • Get plenty of sleep. We all know what happens when we’re sleep deprived. You’ll have more energy and you’ll feel better.
  • Do what you love! You may not have time for a hobby, but make time and enjoy something. When you spend time doing something you enjoy, you’ll feel more whole.
How do you priortize your time so you don’t feel overwhelmed? How do you keep your schedule from taking over your life?