Does Having a Few Bad Teachers Benefit Your Kids?


Everyone wants their kids to have the best education possible, but does that mean that a few bad teachers along the way is a good thing? One columnist thinks so.

Linda Flanagan says a few bad teachers are actually a good thing in your child’s education. She says that there are four types of these bad teachers, and that each type teaches your child a lesson that a great teacher couldn’t.

Here are her “types” and what they’ll teach your child:

  • The dummy-can’t teach your child fractions, but teaches “that the all-powerful may not be all-knowing.
  • The ideologue-hold tight to their own beliefs and thrusts them on your child, but teaches a student to question their surroundings and ask questions about their own beliefs.
  • The lazy and apathetic teacher-hates their job and is constantly bored, but teaches self-learning and self-motivation.
  • The tyrant-the one who runs with an iron fist but is more concerned making sure everything is one schedule rather than worrying about who is following along. The tyrant teaches that although it’s often an injustice, people in power do determine a degree of the outcome.

Flanagan says that although it’s better to have great teachers who are open-minded and helpful, it’s also important to make the best of a bad situation and highlight what a student can actually learn from the situation.

What do you think? Do you encourage your kids to take something positive from every situation?