Free Haircuts for Kids Who Read to Barber


Many communities host events for children headed back to school. They include local businesses who want to help neighborhood kids be prepared for the new year.  In Iowa, a local barber is giving back-to-school cuts to kids, of a unique price.

Courtney Homes is a barber in Dubuque, Iowa. He is working at a community event to help kids look their best.  In exchange for a haircut, the kids read to him while he clips their hair.  “I just want to support kids reading.” His idea has the full support of the community. A reading coordinator, Caitlin Daniels, says this idea helps struggling readers.  “It’s great. All the kids, they want to have a good haircut to go back to school,” she said. “They’re paying through reading.”

Holmes is the kind of hometown hero every community needs.