Homemade Popsicles


It’s summer time and popsicles are one of our favorite ways to cool down. Here are five of our favorite recipes for homemade popsicles. You can use molds (like the one in our picture) or you can use a paper cup and popsicle stick. Share your favorite popsicle recipes with us in the comments!

Fruit Juice Popsicles

Chocolate Covered Frozen Banana Popsicles

Sprite and Gummy Bears in a Popsicle (If you don’t want to use sprite, you could use coconut water.)

Fresh Fruit Pops

1. Add cut up fruit to popsicle mold
2. Fill in mold with Coconut water or Capri Sun
3. Freeze overnight or until solid

Jello Popsicles

1. Make jello according to the package directions.
2. Pour into popsicle molds & place popsicle sticks on top.
3. Freeze for about 8-12 hours or until solid.