Hovering Parenting Could Cause Weight Gain in Kids


There are several names given to those parents who constantly watch their children like a hawk from a close distance — hovercraft parents, helicopter moms. We’re all guilty of it at times, but a new study shows that parents who are closely monitor their kids during outdoor play actually limit the amount of activity their kids get, which could lead to obesity.

In a written statement to CBS News, the study author Dr. Jason Bocarro said, “It’s a catch-22 for today’s parents, unfortunately … Many parents are worried about the safety of their children, so they tend to hover. The worry is — especially as we are seeing childhood obesity become an epidemic in this country — hovering is keeping kids from running around and playing with their friends and neighbors, and instead maybe sitting in front of the computer or television.”

Bocarro is associate professor of parks, recreation and tourism management at North Carolina State University.

Bocarro told CBS News that he understands wanting to monitor closely as he is a parent also, but to ask yourself if you’re too close to your child, and if you might be able to back off a little and watch from a little further away while still remaining vigilant.

Are you a helicopter mom, or do you try to watch from where your children aren’t aware of your monitoring?