How Old is Too Old to Trick or Treat?


Every year, the Halloween schedule is the same for us. We head out around 6:00pm and then around 7:00 we head home. By 7:30, the boys have brushed their teeth and are in their jammies. This is how it is for most of the people in our neighborhood with small kids. They do the early trick or treating and are home before the teens come out.

It happens around 7:45 – 8:00, the kids who are taller than me, ring the bell and attempt to convince me they are trick or treaters. They usually have a sheet pinned to their back or a plastic mask covering their face. I think they know they are too old to be trick or treating, but they just want to be out and getting free candy.

Many neighborhoods around the country are banning older kids from trick or treating. Twelve-years-old seems to be the age when most people think kids are too old to go out trick or treating. Many officials say it was because many residents found it frightening to have a six foot tall boy in a scary mask showing up at their door.

I usually just pass out candy until it is gone or around 8:00pm or 8:30. Then, I turn out the light, pull the front curtains closed and put the kids to bed. The husband and I usually turn on a scary movie and dig through the kids’ candy, you know, to make sure it’s all edible.

How about you: What age do you think kids need to stop trick or treating?