I am “The Worst Mother I’ve Ever Seen”


We’ve all seen that mom: the one trying not to yell because she is trying to finish dinner with only three hours of sleep in the last 24 hours; the one brought to tears because her child won’t stop arguing about bath time; the one who can’t seem to get the colicky baby to stop crying.  We’ve all seen this mom at her worst and somehow her kids just keep loving her.





You may have read the recent article, “The Worst Mother I’ve Ever Seen,” by Stephanie Jankowski. In case you haven’t follow the link and check it out.  This is a must read and is definitely something we can all relate to.  “Now she’s barking orders at her son, who immediately shrinks beneath her harsh voice. Through gritted teeth and snarled lips, she turns words into weapons; a seething, “OK?” from her mouth changes the question into a knife, blade sharpened and at the ready. I wonder if she has any idea how scary she looks. If I were a kid, I’d be terrified of this woman.” She reveals that it is her, she’s talking about the mom in the mirror.  She is telling how she is the worst mother she had ever seen.  Only, she wasn’t the worst mother.

She was the overtired, stressed out, overwhelmed mom who was just trying to keep it together until bedtime.  And I completely relate to this sad, but true story.

Yes! I’ve been there. It took me a few of these incidents to realize that I wasn’t taking care of me and it was impacting my kids. This article reminded me that moms need time off as well.  Yes, our kids will still love us and need us. Despite our faults, they continue to look to us for help and support and love. It is amazing the unconditional love children have for us, especially when we are frazzled and not deserving.

Let this story, this mom, be a reminder that you need a break. Moms, please take some time for yourself.  It doesn’t make you a bad mother. It doesn’t mean that you care for your children any less.  We all need a few hours a week to recharge and keep ourselves healthy.  If you are a stay at home mom, don’t feel bad about putting your kids in a mother’s morning out program or daycare a few hours a week. Even if all you do is sit, have coffee, and read a book. Having a few minutes of time where no one is pulling on you or asking you for something is priceless.

Moms need breaks. Please don’t beat yourself up over moments of weakness.  Recognize when you are overwhelmed and tired and ask for help. You are not the worst mom ever, your just a mom who is trying to do her best and we all understand that.